equinoccio de otoño

The autumnal equinox in the Mayan world

Once summer is over, we welcome the third season of the year, where the leaves say goodbye to the trees, the nights get longer and orange tones take over every corner. The greatest peculiarity that announces the beginning of this new season is the autumnal equinox; an astronomical phenomenon that occurs during September, as well as during March, but the latter one is known as the spring equinox.

Although they are “common” events that occur every year, their frequency does not make them less impressive. In fact, it is quite the opposite, since in the Mayan world it represents more than a simple change of season. So that you can enjoy this ancestral event to the fullest, we have compiled in this post everything you need to know before it starts. So you can’t miss it!

Todo lo que debes saber sobre el equinoccio

1. What is the autumnal equinox?

The autumnal equinox is an astronomical event that occurs every time the sun is positioned perpendicular to the axis of the equator, or in other words, when the angle of the sun fits perfectly with this axis. Making all parts of planet earth receive the same amount of light and essentially causing day and night to last equally

Atumnal equinox
Autumnal equinox, astronomical phenomenon

In fact, this phenomenon is known as “aequinoctium”, a Latin word that translated into Spanish means “equal night”. Without a doubt, an event that you cannot let go unnoticed.

2. When is the 2022 autumnal equinox?

Mexico, being in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth, receives the 2022 autumnal equinox in mid-September. According to the INAOE (National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics) we must receive this phenomenon between September 22 at 8:03 p.m. or September 23 at 01:03 a.m., both during central time.

autumnal equinox, fall season
Arrival of autumn in September

Once the autumnal equinox begins, you will notice how the nights begin to get longer, compared to the previous schedule. So now you know, don’t forget to mark it on your calendar.

3. The autumnal equinox and its importance in the Mayan world

The Mayan civilization is one of the most recognized worldwide, highlighted not only for having one of the richest cultures, but also for having made great contributions in subjects such as architecture, mathematics and astronomy. Aspects that are very noticeable in each of their ancient cities.

mayan culture in the autumnal equinox
Rituals in the Mayan world to celebrate the autumn equinox

For the Mayans, the autumnal equinox represented the beginning of a new cycle, it was used to celebrate victories and even plan harvests, since they took the sun as a basis to carry out their day to day. For this reason, it was very important to study the stars and capture these events in their own calendar, because they had to know when to start sowing and when to start harvesting their food.

The equinoxes and solstices were such crucial events for the Mayans that they even built monuments and buildings with these events in mind, so that at a certain point they would capture the sunlight. On the other hand, being considered a new beginning, purification rituals were also carried out with the purpose of receiving the season full of good energy.

4. Where to see the autumnal equinox?

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the entrance of autumn is received in many ways, either with rituals or through events, this great phenomenon is cause for celebration. You can still celebrate today!

Especially if you are in Mexico, as it is home to one of the most impressive Mayan cities in the world; Chichen Itzá. Every year, this destination is chosen by thousands of tourists and locals to appreciate the arrival of the autumnal equinox, since it occurs in a mystical way that leaves more than one impressed.

Chichen Itza in autumnal equinox
Chichen Itza, Mayan city to receive the autumn equinox

It is in the pyramid of Kukulcán where you can see a play of light and shadow that announce the beginning of the equinox, to be more specific, on the steps on the north side figures are formed that resemble the body of a snake that descends with the sunset. According to the Mayan culture, this snake symbolizes the arrival of the god Kukulkan, who has come to fertilize the land for the next harvests.

Likewise, another of the reasons why it is visited is because it is believed that the arrival of this god floods the earth with good energy, causing many people to gather in this emblematic place to receive good energy and start a new cycle. So if you are looking to enjoy the autumnal equinox, there is no better place than Chichen Itzá.

Aldea cobá in autumnal equinox
Enjoy the surroundings of Cobá

Once you have started this new stage, you can continue taking advantage of fall and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of relaxation in the mystical town of Cobá, which, in addition to being close to Chichen Itzá, offers endless fun activities that will make you recharge your batteries for the rest of the season.

While you are here, the best place to stay is Aldea Cobá, a Boutique Hotel in the Mayan jungle. Where you will have an incomparable disconnection experience, full of exclusivity and luxury. To receive autumn with the best energy, you can contact our direct line 998 402 1130 or, if you prefer, consult through our website.

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