tours a punta laguna

Punta Laguna, a natural paradise for ecotourism

For anyone who loves outdoor activities and Mayan culture, Punta Laguna is the perfect place to start an adventure, especially in World Wildlife Day, which we celebrate every March 3rd. But that doesn’t mean that other days are not just as impressive!

Since a visit to this lovely reserve is always enjoyable, as it is not only home to a unique biodiversity of flora and fauna, but also gives its visitors the opportunity to connect with nature and learn about the importance of its conservation.

How is this done? … Here we tell you about it.

What to do in Punta Laguna

1. The spider monkey experience

One of the best activities you can do in Punta Laguna to appreciate the wildlife is to visit the Spider Monkey Reserve, a species known for its playful and friendly nature, which is home to one of the largest populations in the world.

mono araña en punta laguna
Learn more about the spider monkey and its habitat

Here you can learn about this and other species, such as the howler monkey, from a Mayan guide. But we suggest you visit in the afternoons, when the monkeys return from their search for food, as it is easier to see them and if you are lucky, you can even interact with them.

Also, before starting your tour, don’t forget to stop by the small museum located right at the entrance, where you will find information about all the animals in the area, the ancient life of the Mayas and the history of this reserve.

2. The Birdwatching opportunity

While Punta Laguna has become known for its spider monkey reserve, we cannot deny that it is also a prime habitat for more than 360 species of birds. So, for many Birdwatching enthusiasts, this is a paradise worth exploring. 

avistamiento de pajaros en punta laguna
Sighting of diverse bird species

The best part of this experience is that the Birdwatching Tours in the area are led by knowledgeable expert guides, who add a fascinating and educational point of view to your visit. Giving you the chance to learn more about birds that can only be found in this part of the world.

Some of the species you may see during your tour are the colorful toucans, white-fronted parrots, coas and perching birds. If you don’t manage to spot them, don’t worry, there is always something new and exciting to see.

3. The amazing discovery of a Cenote

As you may have noticed, Punta Laguna is a place of exceptional beauty and biodiversity, but one of its most fascinating features is its impressive cenote, a natural waterhole that offers adventurers a refreshing escape from the heat.

cenote las calaveras en Punta Laguna
Cenote las calaveras, an oasis in the Mayan jungle

Although this cenote is known as Las Calaveras for being one of the largest aquatic cemeteries, this is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the lush jungle with crystal clear waters perfect for swimming and enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings while admiring the breathtaking views.

So whether you are an avid nature lover or just looking for a refreshing swim, this is one of the must-see stops in Punta Laguna that will take your trip to Coba or Tulum to the next level.

4. Activities in its lagoon

If you still want to take some time away from the heat, the best thing to do is to explore the water activities in the main lagoon of this place. Which connects to the spider monkey reserve, making it an ideal place to continue your adventure.

canoas en punta laguna
Explore the waters of Punta Laguna in a canoe

To start exploring this natural treasure, you can swim while enjoying a calm and serene environment, or even take a canoe ride and take this opportunity to observe birds, fish and appreciate the surrounding scenery.

On the other hand, if adrenaline is your thing, then the best activity for you is to slide down the 30 m high zip line, an exciting experience with which you can observe the Mayan jungle from a unique perspective.

Important facts for your visit to Punta Laguna

Where is Punta Laguna?

Punta Laguna reserve is located on the border of Yucatán and Quintana Roo, just 20 minutes from the archaeological site of Coba and 1 hour from Tulum. To get there from Cobá, you must take the Nuevo Durango – Cobá highway, just as shown in this map.

And if you are coming from Tulum, the best route to follow is highway 109 towards Nuevo Durango and Nuevo Xcan. For more information, you can view the route here.

Opening hours

You can start your adventure in Punta Laguna and the spider monkey reserve every day of the week, from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm. But for a better experience, we suggest you to visit in the afternoon when there are more spider monkey sightings.

avistamiento de mono araña
Sighting of the spider monkey in the afternoons
Entrance fees

It is important to note that the prices for some of the activities at Punta Laguna may change over time, but currently the prices are as follows: If you would like to explore the monkey trail on your own, the entrance fee is $200.00 MXN.

reserva del mono araña con guía, punta laguna
Walk along the trail with an expert guide

On the other hand, if you would like to tour the reserve with an expert guide and go all the way to the lagoon, the fee is $500.00 MXN.

Plan your visit to Punta Laguna

Now that you know a little more about the charms of this reserve, you may have noticed that a visit to Punta Laguna not only allows you to enjoy the natural beauty of the area, but also its rich Mayan history and culture.

recorridos en Punta Laguna y Cobá
Enjoy all the attractions of the area

In addition, tourists can learn about the importance of environmental conservation and at the same time support the local community. So, if you are looking for the perfect ecotourism destination, Punta Laguna should be at the top of your list.

The last thing we have left to suggest is that if you want to live a complete experience without missing out on all the attractions of the area, you should consider staying in Cobá and for this, your best allay is Aldea Cobá, an Escape Boutique Experience.

Bungalow Premium, hospedaje en Cobá
Premium Rooms at Aldea Coba

The perfect spot to explore the nearby cenotes in the morning, tour the lagoon in the afternoon and disconnect from the rest of the world at night!

If you would like to receive more information, please do not hesitate to contact our direct line 998 402 1130, or if you prefer, you can make a consultation through our website.



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