evita la temporada de sargazo en tulum

Break free from Sargasso in Tulum with these 5 cenotes

If you are planning your next summer vacation, Tulum is the right place to explore. Without a doubt, this destination located in Quintana Roo, has everything to make your trip unforgettable; from natural attractions to historical and cultural sites.

However, if you are going to visit this area, you should be aware of one problem you may have to face: Sargasso season. That’s right, we know it’s not at all pleasant to visit the Mexican Caribbean coast and discover that most of its beaches are full of brown seaweed.

sargazo en costas de quintana roo
Sargasso season arrives to the coasts of Quintana Roo.

But, don’t panic! Fortunately, cenotes are the perfect alternative to enjoy crystal clear waters but away from all this. So if you want to discover which are your 5 best allies to escape the Sargasso season, keep reading!

How to avoid Sargasso in Tulum

When does the Sargasso season start?

Before knowing which are the best destinations to avoid Sargasso, first you should know that in the coasts of Quintana Roo these marine algae are expected between the months of April and May.

sargasso season in quintana roo
Sargasso on the beaches of Tulum

However, according to the Sargasso Monitoring Network of the state, for this year 2023, this phenomenon has arrived two months in advance; starting between the end of February and the beginning of March.

In fact, some beaches in coast destinations such as Tulum, Cozumel, Puerto Morelos and Cancun are already showing the first signs of this phenomenon.

Cenotes to avoid the Sargasso season

Don’t let your summer vacations be ruined by the arrival of Sargasso, there are still many natural gems you can visit, especially if you want to visit the state’s favorite destinations like Cancun and Tulum. 

As all these cenotes are located 1 or 2 hours away, so get ready to explore them!

1. Choo - Ha Cenote

This first cenote is located in the mystical town of Cobá, and stands out mainly for being a subterranean type, which in addition to creating a beautiful landscape of crystalline waters and turquoise tones, is covered by a cave full of stalactites.

cenote choo -ha, para evitar la temporada de sargazo
Cenote Choo - Ha, in the town of Cobá

Also, the Choo – Ha cenote is perfect to visit if you are traveling with children, because unlike others, its waters are shallow being from 5 to 10 meters. The entrance fee is $100.00 MXN and to visit it, you will have to take the road towards Chanchen – 1 and go straight until you find the sign with the name of the cenote.

Just as shown in this map. In case you want to find out more details about how to get from various nearby destinations, we suggest you to complement your information with the best routes to get to Coba.

2. Tankach - Ha Cenote

As its name in Mayan indicates, the Tankach – Ha cenote (deep waters translated into English), is known for having a more extreme atmosphere, so if you are looking for adventure, this is the ideal place to escape from the Sargasso!

And we say this not only because of the beautiful turquoise blue that paints its waters, but also because its 35 meters deep are perfect to enjoy this place swimming, diving and also jumping from its two platforms.

cenote tankach ha in Cobá to avoid sargasso
Delight yourself with the turquoise blue tones of the Tankach - Ha cenote

Now, if you do not consider yourself an expert in the water, do not worry, before starting your adventure you can also rent a vest at the entrance and enjoy your visit without any inconvenience.

To get there you can follow the same route as the first cenote on the list, as they are literally neighboring cenotes in the community of Cobá, and like this one, the entrance fee is $100 MXN.

3. Multun - Ha Cenote

The third cenote that we recommend you to visit is the Multun – Ha cenote, which, similar to the previous ones, is extremely pleasant, with fresh and calm waters, and with the same entrance fee.

Although, if we have to mention something particular about this one, it’s that it is not only a large pool of crystal clear water, but inside it is easy to see a set of stones that give the impression of forming a hill, which is why it is considered the most beautiful in the area!

cenote multun ha para evitar la temporada de sargazo
Cenote Multun - Ha, near the ruins of Coba

In order to access its beautiful waters you must go down a couple of spiral stairs and go through a tunnel until you reach a wooden platform, where you can rest and take a couple of dives.

An extra point we would like to highlight about these three cenotes is that they are all located less than 15 minutes away from the famous ruins of Cobá, making them ideal alternatives to complement your summer trip!

4. Zacil - Ha Cenote

This magical cenote is located less than 20 minutes from Tulum and unlike the rest, it’s an open cenote. This means that it brings with it the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful blue sky and enjoy the warm rays of the sun, without having to worry about the Sargasso season.

If there is something we like about Zacil – Ha, it is that in addition to the natural cenote, you can also enjoy two artificial pools, a small restaurant, cabins, and of course, bathrooms and dressing rooms. Offering a complete experience.

cenote zacil ha in tulum, to avoid sargasso
Enjoy the sun and the blue sky, in cenote Zacil - Ha

This is why its prices may not be as economical as the first three, as the entrance fee is currently $200 MXN. But believe us, it is well worth it.

If you depart from Tulum to visit it, the route you should take is Federal Highway 109, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

5. Car Wash Cenote

Finally, one of the cenotes that you can visit in the surroundings of Tulum and not leave your route is the Car Wash cenote. Located just off the road leading to the ruins of Coba, about 15 minutes from Tulum and 30 minutes from the town of Coba.

The wonderful thing about this cenote is that it is open and has great depth, which makes it very popular with divers! In addition, in summer the seaweed blooms and forms a beautiful and colorful aquatic garden.

que hay en el cenote car wash
Discover fun activities at cenote Car Wash

But that’s not all, if you want to add a little adrenaline to your trip, you can always use the jumping platform, where you will find a rope that serves as a swing to dive. Also, inside the cenote you can enjoy restrooms and showers, picnic tables and even lockers for your comfort.

At the moment, the entrance fee is $200.00 MXN and fortunately, getting there is not complicated at all, since it is located two minutes before reaching the Zacil-Ha cenote.

The best plan for your Summer vacations

As you can see, having a successful vacation during the Sargasso season is not impossible. In fact, we can assure you that by visiting these 5 cenotes your trip will be even more memorable, even more than it could have been at the seashore.

explor cenotes in tulum to avoid sargasso
Explore cenotes in and around Tulum

So the last thing we have left to suggest is that if you want to avoid the Sargasso, add a couple of days and nights in Coba to your itinerary. Although all these cenotes are just a few minutes away, to enjoy them to the fullest, the best thing to do is to consider staying near the town.

And for this, your best option is Aldea Cobá, Boutique Hotel in the Mayan jungle; where besides exploring the nearby cenotes, you will have access to incredible experiences in the Mayan world.

experiencia de escape en aldea cobá
Enjoy an escape experience at Aldea Coba

Refresh yourself with wellness experiences, get to know hidden tourist gems and disconnect from the stress of everyday life. Its facilities are designed for privacy, rest and disconnection.

If you would like to receive more information, do not hesitate to contact our direct line 998 402 1130 for personalized assistance, or if you prefer, check out our website. 

Now you are ready to enjoy a vacation away from the Sargasso!



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Av. Principal No. 1, 77793 Cobá, Q.R.